The Rants and Raves of a Foodie/Textilian/Worm Wrangler

rants. raves. & making stuff

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Back to Basics: Socks

As most of you all know, I have a little obsession with urban homesteading.  Starting a container garden on my balcony, composting with worms are all in the pursuit of living off the grid, knowing where my food comes from and being a little more self-sufficient. Beyond the gardening and composting, I feel it's also important to have some other basic skills like knitting!  I'm not the best knitter.  I hate math and anything to do with numbers (I'm probably one of the few Asians who can't do math) and knitting has a lot of math and counting to deal with, but it's a challenge and I like a challenge.
I started with tons of scarves and just started learning how to read patterns recently, which I hate by the way. I'm more of a free-wheeling knitter.  It's probably why I'm a better crocheter. Anyway, a couple of years ago, I was obsessed with learning how to knit socks.  The obsession started because I'm always losing a sock and all of my socks that I've bought end up with holes or thinning within a year.  If there's one thing I hate the most, is wasting money especially on low quality, cheaply made clothes. Also, I figure if the world should end because computers become self-aware and kill most of mankind, at least I'll be able to knit socks for the last resistance fighters. ;-)

Anyway..... I started learning how to knit socks via a pattern, but it didn't go very well.  I couldn't get the toes right and the sock ended up being HUGE! I got frustrated and let it go until now. Thanks to youtube, I was able to cobble together a sock pattern to fit my feet perfectly!  I still didn't get the kitchener's stitch quite right, but it's a sock! I swear, once you've tried wearing handmade socks, there's nothing like it!!

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