The Rants and Raves of a Foodie/Textilian/Worm Wrangler

rants. raves. & making stuff

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Gardening Update: Harvest+Composting+Thai Basil

I decided to harvest my carrots this morning....
I don't know why I'm so excited about the carrots considering I can't even eat them raw.  I actually made the boyfriend try the first carrot I picked a couple of weeks ago to tell me how they tasted!! Apparently, they're pretty sweet!  Anyway, my bunch of carrots are pretty puny- they're like baby carrots.  I think with my next planting in August, I'll try to use a looser medium and maybe not plant as many in the container.

Here's how my composting in a bucket looked this morning...
July 16, 2011
A month ago- June 2011
Adding holes really made the difference.  I've only stirred my compost once or twice since June and everything looks pretty good.  There's no foul smells or major critters camping out in it (as far as I know).  I think next year, I'll upgrade to a bigger bucket with a lid.

So, my Thai basil started to go to seed fairly early.  The basil is like mint, it just takes over if you don't cut it back.

I decided to cut off some of the flowering ends and put them in a jar of water to let them go to seed indoors.  Well, I thought that the basil would eventually die and I would be left with a dried stalk with seed pods.  OH NOOOO, was I wrong!...

They started to develop roots!! I couldn't believe it! I guess I'll have to plant these guys to grow indoors.  At least this way, I'll have fresh Thai basil for fall and winter!

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