The Rants and Raves of a Foodie/Textilian/Worm Wrangler

rants. raves. & making stuff

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Weekend Highlights

It's been a good weekend!  No rain, lots of sunshine and cooler temperatures.  The trees here are just starting to turn and you can smell autumn in the air!  Here are some highlights:
Visit to the Farmer's Market:
I love farmer's markets.  It's one of the things besides friends that I miss about Los Angeles.  We went to the local farmer's market yesterday (second time for me and first for the boyfriend) and got our Mrs. Yoder's donuts (see previous post), which I have to say was pretty damn amazing. The boyfriend and I definitely fell off the diet train and got caught under the wheels and dragged along the tracks yesterday. That's how good those donuts were! I think our only real meal yesterday was at dinner when the donuts ran out. :-P

I also bought eggs at the farmer's market and got a nice surprise..... a blue egg with my dozen! God, I want chickens so badly! 

Garden Highlights:
My peppers are growing like crazy and new baby peppers keep popping up!  Unfortunately, I failed to stake my pepper plants and both plants are so heavy with peppers that I fear that they will topple over.  I had wee bamboo stakes for orchids and staked the plants last weekend; the plants still lean to one side. I'm hoping more peppers will grow on the other side and become counter weights and eventually straighten the plants out. Is it wishful thinking? :-/   I'm also still waiting for the peppers to turn red right now.  It seems to be taking a long time. Should I be concerned about that, too? Hmmm....

My chives have gone to seed and some of the seed pods have popped open. 
On a negative note.... the damn squirrels are still destroying some of my plants!! They trashed my poor petunia plant and my dill! Little bastards!
The funny thing is that they've dug in almost every planter except for my mint and bee balm. I recently found out that bee balm is in the mint family.  A coincidence?  I feel an experiment coming on! 

I also went ahead and pulled out my perilla plant, which had died from all of the rain, and my thai and Italian basils.  I think my rosemary plant will be really happy now. I think the basil plants totally crowded out the rosemary, stunting it's growth. 

Oh!  The best part of this weekend...... we got the keys to our new place!!!!  The house, yes it's a HOUSE!! With a backyard!!! has some minor issues that we're hoping to resolve this week with the management company, but considering where we live now and all of the royal B.S. we've dealt with during the year with our current apartment, the minor issues with the new place are small potatoes!


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