The Rants and Raves of a Foodie/Textilian/Worm Wrangler

rants. raves. & making stuff

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Bold Bunnies + Mostly Local Salad for Dinner

I'm always amazed that I can grow anything at all.  So far, the best crops have been the collards and kale and even when the baby bunnies nibble on them, I still usually pick 3 to 4 leaves per week of each.
It's sad but I think I may have to put up a fence.  I really was trying not to, but at this point, I think the bunnies (there are 3) are starting to get a bit bold.  Half of the time when I go out to the yard to scold them for being in my vegetable beds, they just hop out and continue eating grass and hop back in when they think I'm not looking. Grrr.  I've had to use the "mommy voice" a couple of times and two of the bunnies will usually bolt and the one that is a permanent resident in our yard will just hop back into his clover patch like he did nothing wrong. Sigh. I started spraying my valuable crops with a mixture of garlic, mint and cayenne pepper boiled in water then steeped overnight.  That seems to work as long as it doesn't rain, which it's been raining almost every day now. Sigh again. Oh well. A fence it is I guess.

Besides the bunny troubles, I think I've had a good season so far.  For dinner tonight....SALAD!!

 All of the ingredients except for the queso fresco cheese crumbles were either grown in the garden or raised locally.  The greens are a mix of lettuces and spinach straight from my garden.  I hadn't realized how enormous the salad bag was getting.

 The boiled eggs came from a friend's chickens and the roasted chicken was bought at our farmer's market. The salad was so tasty! I am sooo looking forward to tomatoes, zucchinis and cucumbers this summer!  The thought of having them fresh, just picked is making my mouth water right now!

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