The Rants and Raves of a Foodie/Textilian/Worm Wrangler

rants. raves. & making stuff

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Mind the Chives and Other Weird Garden Things

So if I've ever given you garlic chive seeds or plants, I hope I warned you. :-P  I usually am pretty good about being honest about my garlic chives and their ability to never die! If I didn't warn you, I am deeply sorry!  I will tell you now, please mind your chives!!!

I thought I had contained my chives by growing them in a container and in one of my raised beds, but I was SOOOOO WRONG!

This morning while I was doing my routine bug slaying and weeding, I came across this...
I know it looks like grass, but these are chives that have reseeded!!! I thought I was being pretty diligent about collecting the seeds, but I obviously missed a couple. So please mind your chives!!! Especially if I've given them to you from the strain I got from my mother; and my mother has been growing these garlic chives 4-ever! If you want seeds, I am happy to share but I will warn you now, heed my word.... mind the chives!

Other weirdness in the garden....
These are my Amish Paste tomatoes. The one on the left is I think the way it's supposed to look, the other 2..... I have no idea what's happening!!  My Amish paste plant is still producing and it's the end of Sept. I've stopped watering by hand so the plant only gets watered when it rains and all of the tomatoes look like the 2 green ones.  I think the little red one would have grown bigger if I hadn't accidentally knocked it off the plant.

I was under the impression that watermelons and most melons in general needed to be grown in very hot weather.  So why are my watermelon plants producing now?! What is going on?!  Above are the 2 that I've found, which doesn't mean that there aren't others. I admit, I've lost control.

My sunflower/cosmo bed is out of control, too.  We cut down the sunflowers last weekend (they were getting pretty ugly) and so my regular cosmos were all that was left.
The cosmos actually grew taller than our tallest sunflower in the end. 

And look who's back.....

Other things happening in the garden that aren't so weird....
I decided to try netting my raised beds with tulle.  I really had good results with row covers, but this fall, I realized that there were tons of holes in the row cover fabric.  After some research, I found out that cricket nymphs can eat through the fabric.  Hence, my poor seedlings getting chewed up early on in the season.  There were a lot of little crickets.  I had heard that tulle was really good at preventing unwanted guests laying eggs on seedlings and that rain could get through the fabric better, which I did find to be frustrating with the row covers. Right now, I have a pretty bad infestation of aphids and cabbage worms in my first bed and only my first bed, which is really strange.  Another benefit is that tulle is pretty cheap, about $2.99 per yard or less and readily available at your local fabric store.

My California poppies have reseeded themselves. 

My Kyoto Red carrots are really doing well.  They've grown pretty fast!

My Korean perilla plant has finally gone to seed.  It didn't do as well this year. Out of the 4 I planted, only two survived (barely). The poor plants had been ravaged by caterpillars early in spring. The survivors didn't grow as big but were pretty tough, so I am definitely collecting the seeds.

Here's the first of the Upper Ground Sweet Potato squash to appear.  The plant is incredibly vigorous!

And finally, thyme!! Yes, more thyme!  At least I know that I can grow it.  I had to cut a bunch this morning.  I think I may make herbed butter with it this "thyme"! :-)
Happy Sunday!

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