The Rants and Raves of a Foodie/Textilian/Worm Wrangler

rants. raves. & making stuff

Sunday, October 6, 2013

When Squirrels Attack + Happy Garden Surprises

This is about the time the squirrels go crazy.  They just have digging on the brain. My raised beds look like Swiss cheese lately and I'm finding acorns and peanuts stuck in the dirt in the beds.  Crazy squirrels.  And when they attack?  This is the result...
This was one of the smaller Upper Ground Sweet Potato squash.  I wasn't too upset since the pumpkin was actually looking a little sick.  Apparently, it was still pretty good inside!!

I'm always surprised at the resilience of some of my plants. My strawberry plants that won't die have also decided to procreate....
This is a runner.  The runner basically spread out and rooted 3 separate strawberry plants.

I'm not sure what I'll do at this point.  The strawberries don't produce big, fat juicy strawberries since they're a wild variety, but they're rooted into the ground now and I figure I should move them at some point.  Maybe I'll plant them in my smaller barrels for the squirrels and rabbits.

The other surprise was this garlic.  I planted garlic in early spring and NOW this guy decided to show up?? And it showed up after I had already planted radishes in the bed.

This bed is my favorite this fall.  It's incredibly lush even though cabbage worms have started munching on the leaves.  Surprisingly, the daikon radish by the rogue garlic plant hasn't been touched by any insects.  Hmmmm......? Good to know for next year!

And the best surprise of all.... Pumpkins!!

The winter squashes did really really well.  The Korean squash (above) is still growing and producing like crazy! I have two right now that are huge and a dark green.  I'm not sure at the moment if they are supposed to change to an orange when ripe or not.

I also harvested a Thai pumpkin!!  I didn't think the Thai pumpkin plant actually survived but I found this weird, warty, disc shaped pumpkin in the middle of the Korean squashes.  It's the only Thai pumpkin that matured.  Now it's keeping my one giant Upper Ground Sweet Potato squash company in my bath tub. :-)

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