The Rants and Raves of a Foodie/Textilian/Worm Wrangler

rants. raves. & making stuff

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Seed Bomb Sunday!

Sorry for the little hiatus.  I had every intention of continually posting but between life and the holiday season, I lost track of time and now it's the middle of December.  Sigh.

Anyway, in the handmade, gift giving spirit, I decided to make seed bombs for a friend who loves zinnias but due to physical limitations can't garden as much anymore.  I thought the seed bombs would be perfect since you can just throw it out in a bare, sunny space and let them just do their thing.

It's pretty easy and fun but messy, hence the newspaper covering the table.  I used 1 part air dry clay (the Crayola brand that so many diy seed bomb makers recommend) to 2 parts approximately of compost.  I had my fresh worm castings that I mixed with organic mushroom compost that contains no peat moss.  I bought zinnia seeds and mixed with Bright Lights cosmos (since I had a bunch from last year's seed collection) and bachelor buttons.  I dumped the seeds in a separate bowl so I could dip the clay and compost mix into it. This would ensure that the seeds don't stab you (the cosmos seeds will most definitely) and that you don't crush anything in the process of kneading and rolling.

I dumped the clay and compost into a big bowl and added a little water; I recommend using about 2 Tablespoon especially if you're using fresh worm castings.  I added a little too much and the mix was a little mushy and hard to work with.

Take a chunk and dip in seeds and roll between the palm of your hands.  Sorry no pics since my hands were covered in clay.  Did I mention this process was messy?

Place onto an aluminum foil lined pan and allow to dry for approximately 3 to 4 days or until completely dry.

Voila!  Seed bombs!  Chuck'em and watch them grow!

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