The Rants and Raves of a Foodie/Textilian/Worm Wrangler

rants. raves. & making stuff

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Jelly Jar Terrariums

So my clever Venus fly trap gnat controller was a bit of a failure.  I think the gnats were too small and light that it wouldn't trigger the plant.  And I had no idea that the plants needed humidity and lots of moisture.  I walked in to check on the Venus fly traps and they were a little sad looking.  I decided to retire them and create a nice, humid environment by putting them in terrariums.  I saved plenty of jelly jars and they were the perfect size for these tiny plants....

Friday, January 27, 2012

A Natural Solution to a Gnat Infestation

Last year I had a little gnat infestation that started with a bad bag of Miracle Grow potting soil. By the way, I am never buying MG soils again, organic or their regular type.  Well, I brought my mint plant in to over winter and lo and behold, I started noticing gnats flying everywhere!  I realized a little too late that I had planted the mint in MG soil. :-(  Well, now my basil plants are being over run with gnats as well.  Arrrgh!  I went to Lowe's today, and by the way it's 70 degrees here in January, to look for sticky traps or any other gnat or flying bug traps but discovered they had Venus fly traps!  Tiny ones to boot!!!  What a better way to take care of those little suckers than a man made approach!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

So Much to Do, So Little Time: Goals for the New Year

Is it just me or does a year go by way too fast these days?  It's almost Feb.!!  Well, 2011 was a good start. I didn't accomplish everything I intended but it was a crazy year.  I think 2012 will be busier and hopefully more productive and happier.  So, what's in store....

1. I AM going to learn how to can and pickle, dammit!
2. No question, I am going to have a garden.  I have BIG plans for the garden and my plans may be too big for my breeches but I am quite determined to have a crop of ANYTHING to pickle or can.
3. Cooking and Food:  I'm big on cooking and I think this year, I'm determined to learn traditional methods for making Korean ingredients like Korean red pepper flakes, pepper paste, possibly Korean miso, which is much stronger than the Japanese variety. 
4. I'm going to keep making my dream wardrobe one item at a time. :-)

So there!!  If other things happen like beer brewing or maybe RVA will allow chickens (doubt it but one can hope) and I get my chickens then I'm totally open to it in 2012.  But the gardening and canning is a must this year. 

Saturday, January 14, 2012

First Year Part 3: Urban Homesteading

So, I'm not quite an urban homesteader yet. Learning how to grow my own food and making clothes is definitely a good start but last year, I wanted to learn how to can and make soap.  Well, that didn't happen.  These activities are still on the list and I hope after starting a real garden this spring, I'll be able to actually grow a large enough crop to can and pickle something. I'm still planning on making soap but whether I get to it this year or not, I don't know.
Anyway, the idea of urban homesteading has been an important goal for a while. I'm all about raising my own food and using what I grow/raise to make other useful everyday products. I definitely like the idea of recycling/reusing and reducing our waste in the whole homesteader scheme of things. One of the steps I took to start this journey was starting worm bins back in 2009. The worms at the time were the perfect method for composting my vegetable and paper waste. 

Saturday, January 7, 2012

First Year Part 2: Dream Wardrobe + this Weekend

Last year when I started this blog, besides starting a garden, I also wanted a Dream Wardrobe.  I've been sewing clothes off and on for the last 15 years but in the last 3 years, it's been full on sewing for others.  It's been fun.  For a while after graduating from undergrad, I was super burnt out with clothing design and sewing all together but recently, especially as I've noticed that clothing quality and styles have changed and that nothing freaking fits me, I've become more interested in pattern making and sewing again.  Over the holiday break, I was actually able to start on a cape.  Here's what it looked like before:
I had to take it apart and re-design the cape.  The boyfriend said it looked like a bag.  Here's what it looks like now...