The Rants and Raves of a Foodie/Textilian/Worm Wrangler

rants. raves. & making stuff

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Mother Nature Wins As Always.

Yesterday, the weather was insanely warm, like 80 degrees warm.  But down here, we all know that if it's warm like that when it shouldn't be, you watch the skies for strange clouds and bad weather approaching.  Yesterday they said we would just get some rain, but OH NO!!  It wasn't just rain, we got wind!!  Lots of gusty, strong WIND!! So last night at around 9:30 pm when the wind had really picked up, I had a moment of panic and ran downstairs and out the door to see that my greenhouse had been blown over. All my newly started seedlings were flipped over every which way, but somehow I had enough sense not to unzip my greenhouse to try to salvage anything. I dragged my greenhouse into my screened porch and prepared to catch whatever I could as they fell out of the greenhouse. I was able to save my kale but my collards, chamomile, and impatiens all ended up on the ground. My columbine had also been disturbed but was still contained in their Ziploc bag for the most part. 

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Gardening Weekend + Surprises!

Sometimes, I'm real nervous about starting plants from seeds.  REAL nervous.  A lot of times, you just don't know if the seeds are good or bad, but I hate the wait most of all.  What I do love is how some plants just pop up over night!  I started my kale and collards about 2 weeks ago and one day there was nothing happening but the next morning, these cute little sprouts were busting out! Once they really started to grow, I moved them into my greenhouse for some good blast of sun.  I wanted to make sure they didn't get too leggy.  I also moved my chamomile and columbine into the greenhouse as well.
kale on the left and collards on the right
On my windowsill, I started more mint and wanted to try growing more rosemary...

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Strawberry Shortcake

Happy V-Day!  The boyfriend and I don't do much for Valentine's Day but I love to do a little cooking!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

It's Seed Starting Time!

The weather has been nutz!!  I walked out yesterday morning and saw that my tulips were starting to come up!! Yikes!  I tried to cover them up with some more mulch and I'm glad I did because it SNOWED!!  What a weird day.  Anyway, I started the first phase of seed starting.  I started my kale, collards, eggplants, peppers and some flowers about a week ago using my empty toilet paper rolls and whatever scavenged containers I had saved from last year. The window over my kitchen sink has become the prime place to start seeds. For some reason, the plants LOVE that window.  My mint that I had propagated from cuttings went crazy so I'm starting more cuttings as well as some more basil.

The first to sprout was my chamomile!! I think it only took about 2 days!