The Rants and Raves of a Foodie/Textilian/Worm Wrangler

rants. raves. & making stuff

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year's Eve & My First Year Part 1

It's been 1 year since I started this blog!!! I can't believe 2012 starts tomorrow!  It was a crazy year.  Lots of good things happened in the midst of bad things.  Overall, I think it was a pretty good year.  I went from being unemployed and financially stressed to being rehired by my old employer and not making a whole lot of money but enough to live comfortably in the South.  I went from crappy apartment living dealing with stupid drunk college students puking and fighting by the old apartment every weekend to renting a small house with a yard! The best thing of all was discovering gardening and that I didn't have a crusty, black thumb.  Gardening was my one solace in my time of stress and anxiety. Thanks Mother Nature! Anyway, in the beginning of the year, I started a Wish List. I definitely did not accomplish everything but I think I had a good start.  Here's a little recap at least Part 1 and what's going on this weekend as a new year begins....

Friday, December 30, 2011

Dream Wardrobe: Cape

I finally had some time off for the holidays and decided to finally sew for myself. At the beginning of the year, I listed a "Wish List" and one was to make my dream wardrobe.  One of things I wanted to make was a pair of sailor pants out of seersucker! I still want to do that but the trousers have evolved.  Hopefully I'll get to the trousers before spring. One of the other dream items is a cape!  I bought this wonderful plaid wool and it had been sitting around for almost a year now. It was time! So I made a pattern using one of my pattern-making reference books and spent the next day to sew it up.  Well, it turned out looking like a bag- at least that's what the boyfriend said.  And besides that, my sewing machine started to act up! Arrgh! The one time I decide to make something for myself and now I have to get a new sewing machine! Anyway, since I have a limited amount of the wool fabric, I started to take apart the cape and alter it.  Here's what it looks like at the moment:

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Cinnamon Roll Sunday!

I've been thinking about what to do with the Japanese milk bread dough besides just making  a loaf.  Granted, I love the bread as a loaf itself but it's always good to make something new.  Well, the boyfriend suggested making something sweet with the dough.  I like to bake for the holidays as opposed to gifting something that can't be used up and besides having a brownie obsession, Japanese milk bread obsession, BBQ obsession- I can go on and on- I also have a cinnamon roll obsession.  I've been looking for a good homemade cinnamon roll recipe.  Every time I've tried homemade cinnamon rolls, I've been a little disappointed.  They're usually good, but the dough tends to be too bready and heavy than I would like it to be.  Anyway, so last night, I made cinnamon rolls with the Japanese milk bread dough and baked them this morning.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Mini Vase for Mini Flowers

My Thai basil that I'm growing indoors keeps flowering.  I know you're supposed to pinch off the flowering heads so that the leaves keep the licorice flavor, but the flowers are so pretty that I hate doing it.  The other day while unpacking more boxes, I found my mini apothecary jars given to me by my friend, Ashley.  One of the lids broke during one of my many moves so it was a perfect tiny vase for the flowers!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Spring in December!!

Look what came in the mail today!

I ordered seeds from Seed Savers Exchange and Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend.  I was so excited to receive the packages today.  I think I was way too excited because I squealed with joy when the boyfriend pulled out the packages in the mailbox.  I was even happier because Baker Creek sent me a gift:
Thanks Baker Creek!! I can't wait for spring!!