The Rants and Raves of a Foodie/Textilian/Worm Wrangler

rants. raves. & making stuff

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Spring in December!!

Look what came in the mail today!

I ordered seeds from Seed Savers Exchange and Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend.  I was so excited to receive the packages today.  I think I was way too excited because I squealed with joy when the boyfriend pulled out the packages in the mailbox.  I was even happier because Baker Creek sent me a gift:
Thanks Baker Creek!! I can't wait for spring!!


  1. Ooh I just got the seed savers exchange catalogue! I've liked most of their veggies. How's Baker Creek? Have you used them before?

  2. Ooo! I should be getting my seed catalogue from Baker Creek soon! I should have ordered one from Seed Savers, too. I haven't used Baker Creek or Seed Savers before. How do you like Seed Savers? I've heard a lot of good things about both companies regardless.

  3. I'd say I've like almost all of the Seed Savers stuff I've gotten, both veggies and flowers. My favorite is their Sudduth's Brandywine which is really strong growing and super tasty. All their seeds that I've gotten seem to germinate just fine. Really I would have liked them across the board, but there was a Golden pea I got that was disappointing. I just ordered a few more seeds from them yesterday though. Peppers, squashes, and a tomatillo. Fun!

  4. That's great to know! I'm going to order some flower seeds from them. I just need to figure out which ones right now. I'll let you know how the Baker Creek seeds do. I just peeked at the 2012 Baker Creek seed catalogue online; I can't wait to get it in the mail!!!
