The Rants and Raves of a Foodie/Textilian/Worm Wrangler

rants. raves. & making stuff

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Quinoa with Collards, Red Onions, Cilantro and Preserved Lemons

Picked the first collards of the season this evening!  I planted collards in the fall to see if they would taste sweeter and boy do they ever!!  I think the extended winter we're having has helped improve the flavor even more!  So I was wondering what to make with my collards and decided to add it to quinoa.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Update: Garlic the Wild Card

Last year, I had my garden planned out.  I knew what I wanted to grow and incorporated experimental vegetables and fruit and then, my cousin gave me giant cabbages; a veggie I had no plans to grow at all.... the wild card. I gave away 3 and kept 1 and surprisingly, even with neglect and cabbage worms, I harvested a cabbage.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Grass Killa + Arrival of Spring, Maybe?

This morning was beautiful!! Warm and hopefully only getting warmer, the robins were out and I saw my first bee of the season.  Is it spring??  I hope so!  After a pretty decent snow fall 2 days ago to this, 60 degree weather and SUN!!  I'm really hopeful! 

Today was the perfect day for me to go out and kill some grass!!  I generally hate grass.  I know grass feeds our wild rabbits and cows, etc., but for the most part, I would rather use my yard for raising food or flowers to feed bees and other beneficial insects than grass.  So, today I started my garden expansion.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

March Madness

Am I wrong, or didn't the groundhog say that we would get an early spring?  This cold weather is killing me!  I've been completely out of sorts these pass few weeks.  Between stresses from work and trying to get ready for my spring planting, I've neglected posting and have generally been a little bummed out. :-(  Anyway.....  I've been itching to get out in the yard and start planning and planting and cleaning stuff up.  If I haven't mentioned before, my plan is to expand the garden this spring mostly because the boy doesn't want to mow the lawn.  And I'm planting an Asian veggie garden, which I am most excited about!! 

I went out in the garden this morning; it's been a while because of the weather. In the fall, I decided to try my hand at winter gardening.  I have to say lettuces do exceptionally well...