The Rants and Raves of a Foodie/Textilian/Worm Wrangler

rants. raves. & making stuff

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Bunny Chronicle 2013: They're Here!!

The baby bunnies are awake, frisky and taking over our yard!

A couple of days ago, I noticed the covered up burrow was open.  Peaked in and saw a little tiny baby bunny!
At first, I thought there was only one in there because the hole was so small.  But then the next evening, the mama bunny came back....

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Bunny Chronicle 2013: First Baby of Spring

This is an older baby bunny that lives underneath the porch of a neighboring house.  I was surprised that he was already used to me being out in the garden. 

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Bunny Chronicles 2013

So from the beginning, I wanted to garden by working with nature and not fighting nature.  Of course, you fight certain aspects like bad bugs, slugs, which I continually battle right now, and bad weather, but for the most part, I don't want to spend a lot of energy fighting.  Period.  Last spring, we had 4 baby bunnies born in our yard and one stayed; we called her "our bunny" because she seemed to recognize us and had a very relaxed attitude when I was out in the garden.  Anyway, I didn't fence off my garden last year nor did I do it this year. The bunnies never damaged a whole lot last year.  When they were babies, they definitely nibbled and the only plant that really got damaged was my sugar snap peas that I did fence off eventually, but beyond that, when the babies grew up, they stuck to munching our lawn. I'm sure our neighbors think we're absolutely nuts!!

Anyway, this year, our bunny showed up with a friend!!

Saturday, May 4, 2013

May: The Garden So Far

We're now into late spring, I guess, and it's cold!!  This morning it was in the upper 40s.  Last year around this time, we were already deep into the 80s and only getting hotter.  As much as I complain about the cold, I'm glad we've actually had a spring season this year.  So here's what's going on in the garden now....

So everything I grew in the fall/winter has or is going to seed now.  These are the collards above.  They'll start putting out little green bean like pods and I'll actually be able to collect seeds this year!