The Rants and Raves of a Foodie/Textilian/Worm Wrangler

rants. raves. & making stuff

Saturday, March 29, 2014

It's SPRING: Seedling Madness!

Seedlings are EVERYWHERE in my house right now.  Those giant gangly things are the giant sunflowers. They're giant and fast growing. Did I mention they're GIANT!? I think they've been on my windowsill for about a week and half? Maybe?  For me, it is SPRING!  If we get another round of snow, I will still be outside in my garden boots, pretending that it is Spring and 60 degrees out!  I am going to garden dammit.  I am willing it.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Garden Escapades + Upcycling

Need... To....Be... Outside!  Need....More...Sun...

Thankfully, today is supposed to be a beautiful 70 degrees.  My plan is to be outside in the yard as much as possible.  I need vitamin D like you would not believe.  I've been cranky from this long winter and of course, we're supposed to get snow again on Monday. Boo. I'm still glad I don't live up north right now because I would be in jail by now.  I would have assaulted someone out of winter crankiness.  Anyway, today will be a super busy and exciting day.  I have plans to set up my new raised beds and yesterday, I scored some cheap goodies to add to the garden madness!

First though, on the windowsill....
I have onion sets soaking.  I wanted to make sure they were still good.  I was going to put them in this weekend, but with impending snow again, I plan to wait until after Monday. I'm using sets since my yellow onion seeds seem to be duds right now.  I so want to support Southern Exposure but the germination rates for their seeds are always a bit sketchy.

I also have giant sunflowers growing in the smaller yogurt containers...

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Ginger + Turmeric= A Bit O Spring

It's BEAUTIFUL outside!!  I've been so out of wack during this long winter and now with the sun and warmer weather this weekend, I feel like I'm getting back to my old self!  So what's been up??  A lot of seed starting. That's what!  And in addition to the usual suspects, I decided to try growing my own ginger and turmeric. :-)  On my windowsill, I have organic turmeric and ginger rhizomes ready to plant.