The Rants and Raves of a Foodie/Textilian/Worm Wrangler

rants. raves. & making stuff

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Bunny Chronicles 2013: Baby Bunny Update

Last year when the baby bunnies were born in our yard, one stayed all summer long.  She was the one that came back and decided to have her babies in my raised bed.  Well, one of her babies has decided to stay, too.  I started calling him  Bunny Foofoo.  Unlike his mother, the bunny decided that one of my 4 X 4 beds was his personal bunny condo.
This is apparently his place.  For a while he kept trying to rearrange my plants like the arugula trying to go to seed. They're the plants flopping over and spilling out the bed. I eventually had to pull them out anyway... he's much happier now.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

What's Growing: Watermelons, Melons and Long Beans

Things are happening overnight these days.  I love it!!  It's nice to see something you've never grown before do well like these Chinese Long Beans...

They are full of beans and growing like crazy!!  I'm surprised that they haven't been affected with mildew or insects by now. 

Saturday, June 15, 2013

June 2013: Garden Update

I love June.  My plants are filling out the raised beds and the summer crops are starting to fruit.  It's amazing and lush right now and by the end of this month, it'll be even better.... I hope!  Here's how the garden is looking now...
I don't know but writing everything I did last year may have paid off. Everything is growing a nice dark, healthy GREEN as opposed to the light green last year. I have consciously tried not to water too much and to fertilize regularly, which I royally failed to do last year.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Bucket Composting

Two years ago, I really wanted to compost outdoors in addition to using my fabulous worms.  At the time I was living in an apartment with a balcony so I decided to do it on a very, very small scale using a little red bucket. 
Total experiment, but it worked really well and fast relatively speaking!