The Rants and Raves of a Foodie/Textilian/Worm Wrangler

rants. raves. & making stuff

Monday, March 28, 2011

Toilet Paper Roll Seed Starting

So, I was WRONG about my parsley seeds that I had started in my egg carton seed starting container.  It turned out that they weren't dead! About a week or so ago, I started seeing them pop up in the egg carton.  I had planted some more seeds in a separate pot, but since neither of the seeds seemed to germinate, I threw some lettuce seed mix on top of the supposed dead parsley seeds.  Well, now I have parsley mixed in with my lettuces!
I decided this morning that it may be good to start some more parsley seeds and wanted to try the toilet paper roll method of seed starting. 

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sunday Morning

My Sunday morning began with a little snow...

A lot of breakfast....

Watching Sunday Morning on TV. :-) 

And a little request:  PLEASE, NO MORE SNOW!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Growing Fish in Greenhouses

This is amazing and very inspiring!!  I was reading up on gardening and self-sustainable ways to garden and started reading about fish emulsion fertilizers, which then started me thinking about raising fish for food, which led me to this youtube video.  I think the owner was featured last year or a couple of years ago in the New York Times for his urban-agri business.  I believe he also raises composting worms!!! Very cool! I need to find that NY Times article!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Container Gardening

I had dinner with the parents yesterday and just happened to ask my mother if she had any old planters.  My mother has the greenest freak'n thumb ever and used to garden quite a bit when I was young.  Back then, it was hard to find Korean veggies, so when she could, she would grow them in the yard.  For some reason, this gardening skill was not passed down to me.  I really hope that I can change that!  But, I am glad I asked about the planters because she had tons of them and was planning to throw them out since she can't garden as much anymore.  Now I can start planning my container garden!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Spring Is Here!!

It's so warm today!  The bees are buzzing and our tree out front is BLOOMING! It all seems to have happened over night.
The tree last week.
The tree today!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sunday Breakfast

I had a very interesting Saturday that included meeting a new friend who was also an alumni of my alma mater, RISD who incredibly was attending at the same time I was but in a different dept. It's really such a small world! Lisa is a fantastic knitter and has an aviary.  She and her husband also raise ducks!  They were so hospitable and generous and gave me a dozen duck eggs!

This morning I decided to make scrambled eggs with 4 of the duck eggs! I've never had duck eggs before.  They are quite large compared to chicken eggs and mostly yolk.  Very different texture to chicken eggs, a bit softer, creamy and boy are they RICH! The eggs were delicious! It was even better to know where they came from and that these ducks have the best life ever!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Signs of Spring in the Hood

Today was a beautiful day to take a little morning walk.  It wasn't super warm or anything but sunny with little glimpses of spring everywhere!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Egg Carton Seed Starting + Sprouts!

I'm very adamant about reusing/recycling. Sometimes it can be hard to figure out creative ways to reuse things but it dawned on me a couple of months ago that those plastic egg cartons (see below) could be great containers for seed starting! So last week I decided to start some seeds.  Totally experimental and not knowing if this would actually work.  I am totally new to gardening.