The Rants and Raves of a Foodie/Textilian/Worm Wrangler

rants. raves. & making stuff

Monday, March 28, 2011

Toilet Paper Roll Seed Starting

So, I was WRONG about my parsley seeds that I had started in my egg carton seed starting container.  It turned out that they weren't dead! About a week or so ago, I started seeing them pop up in the egg carton.  I had planted some more seeds in a separate pot, but since neither of the seeds seemed to germinate, I threw some lettuce seed mix on top of the supposed dead parsley seeds.  Well, now I have parsley mixed in with my lettuces!
I decided this morning that it may be good to start some more parsley seeds and wanted to try the toilet paper roll method of seed starting. 

Apparently, the whole sh-bang can be planted in the ground or in my case, container, toilet paper roll and all.  
I ended up folding one end to make a little container.

Added moistened seed starting soil and seeds  I stuck them in a plastic container so they sit up.

Hopefully, I'll have parsley without lettuce in a month! And I guess if the toilet paper rolls don't break down when I plant them in a container later, I'll throw them in the worm bin and let the little guys eat away the paper! ;-)


  1. That's such a cool use of toilet paper rolls! I like that the "pot" you end up with is really pretty deep too.

  2. I really do like to reuse whenever possible. I read about using toilet paper rolls in a book called Grow Great Grub. The author runs the You Grow Girl blog. I thought it was a pretty cool idea. The "pot" does end up being pretty deep. I hope my containers are deep enough when I start planting them. I hear that you can do the same thing with paper egg cartons!

  3. I heard about egg cartons too. But it seemed like that would be really shallow and I'd have to be watering all the time. I've picked up a few flats from the nursery over the years and I've been reusing those for my seeds as well as reusing the pony pack seedling containers I get vegetables in sometimes. That's worked pretty well. But I like that you can just plant the whole toilet roll right into the ground!

  4. Me too!! A lot of the appeal for trying the toilet paper roll is that you can just plant the whole thing! I'm definitely saving toilet paper rolls for next year. I wanted to buy flats to start my seeds, but I just didn't have the money at the time, so I'm glad we can use every day paper products this way!!

  5. I'm totally going to start saving rolls too!
