The Rants and Raves of a Foodie/Textilian/Worm Wrangler

rants. raves. & making stuff

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sunday Breakfast

I had a very interesting Saturday that included meeting a new friend who was also an alumni of my alma mater, RISD who incredibly was attending at the same time I was but in a different dept. It's really such a small world! Lisa is a fantastic knitter and has an aviary.  She and her husband also raise ducks!  They were so hospitable and generous and gave me a dozen duck eggs!

This morning I decided to make scrambled eggs with 4 of the duck eggs! I've never had duck eggs before.  They are quite large compared to chicken eggs and mostly yolk.  Very different texture to chicken eggs, a bit softer, creamy and boy are they RICH! The eggs were delicious! It was even better to know where they came from and that these ducks have the best life ever!


  1. Yummmmm! I would love to have my own chickens. Ducks might require more space though. That looks delicious! I just made myself a black bean, bacon, and cheddar omelette right before seeing your pics : )

  2. Mmmmm... omelette. Mmmmmm...bacon!! I think my breakfast would've been better with a side of bacon, but isn't everything good with a side of bacon? It's my dream to have chickens and maybe a goat or 2. It was amazing because the ducks lived on their back porch and just wandered around their backyard. I hope one day my urban homesteading dreams will come true. Have you heard of the Dervaes? They urban homestead in your neck of the woods, I think in downtown Pasadena. They sell their veggies and baked goods out of their home on Saturdays. You should check it out!
