The Rants and Raves of a Foodie/Textilian/Worm Wrangler

rants. raves. & making stuff

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Seed Starting: Onions

I started my onions in January as usual but unfortunately, the winter has been lousy.  Last year, I started scallions and red onions in plastic water jug "green houses" and they did really really well.

So I did it again this year.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Feb 2014: Winter Garden Update

Winter SUCKS!  This winter especially!!  My raised beds have had it rough. :-(  As a warmer day today, I just had to go out!!  I was very curious as to who survived, what I needed to do better, etc.  There were some serious surprises, which makes me even more enthusiastic about growing and the mysteries and resilience of plants!!  Sometimes, some plants scare the living crap out of me!!

This guy!! This guy is my rogue cilantro in Bed #1!!  This guy has been under maybe 5 to 8 inches of snow up until yesterday. If you recall, I didn't replant these seeds.  They just started growing in Sept.-ish. Just showed up! So I didn't bother to use extenders or anything since I was planning to rest the bed and just grow a cover crop (vetch).  I thought for sure the cilantro would die from freezing, snow, and wind, but NOPE!!  A true survivor.  This is guy wins the award this year!