The Rants and Raves of a Foodie/Textilian/Worm Wrangler

rants. raves. & making stuff

Monday, July 28, 2014

Garden Update: End of July & A Death

This summer has been unusual. Today at the end of July, it's beautiful and not at all humid. Usually by now, it's freak'n 100 degrees with 100% humidity here and it's just not. It almost feels like California weather with a touch of humidity. A fabulous day for gardening.

Right now, I'm trying to decide which raised beds to rest, and what to plant in the beds that I'll keep active for the fall. As I've said before, this season has been weird. Not a very good growing season for me so I'm hoping my fall crops will do better. I'm planning to grow the usual suspects: collards, kale, purple broccoli (didn't do well in the spring), rapini (because I need rapini), komatsuna, Korean mustards, bok choi, turnips and carrots. I will definitely grow garlic this fall instead of early spring. The rogue garlic that just popped up this spring did well and produces a nice and big fat bulb!

Right now, the one crop that's doing really well is my cowpea....

Saturday, July 12, 2014

The Good, The Bad And the Cute

SOOOOOO... There's been a little breaky break. I've been working a new job that has me working very late into the night sometimes and it's just now that I've gotten used to the new hours. I also usually work on the weekends, so this is my first Saturday off. I hope to be more consistent with this blog now since I'm not so exhausted. Anyhoo...

The garden. I don't know what the heck is going on with the garden. This year has been weird. Things that usually grow well haven't. I don't know if it's the soil or if I need to buy new seeds now since seeds do have a shelf life. There are good things happening though and surprising things...

Well, the one thing that seems to be consistent every year is my melon patch. I did add a lot of manure this season to condition it for my melon/watermelon/winter squash combo patch...
That monstrosity in the foreground is my winter squash taking over. Again.