The Rants and Raves of a Foodie/Textilian/Worm Wrangler

rants. raves. & making stuff

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Bunny Chronicles 2013: Baby Bunny Update

Last year when the baby bunnies were born in our yard, one stayed all summer long.  She was the one that came back and decided to have her babies in my raised bed.  Well, one of her babies has decided to stay, too.  I started calling him  Bunny Foofoo.  Unlike his mother, the bunny decided that one of my 4 X 4 beds was his personal bunny condo.
This is apparently his place.  For a while he kept trying to rearrange my plants like the arugula trying to go to seed. They're the plants flopping over and spilling out the bed. I eventually had to pull them out anyway... he's much happier now.

If you don't see him out in the yard, he's usually hanging in his bedroom underneath my thyme plant.  Just chill'n.

Our routine pretty much every morning now except maybe on the weekends (I like to sleep in a little bit) is that I go out to check on the garden or water and I guess to get him out of bed.  I usually greet him and he comes out from under the thyme and hangs in the bed for a minute to stretch.
This was taken this morning.  Unfortunately for him, some squirrels invaded his home and got him up earlier than usual. Once he's up, stretched and ready to go, he hops out of the bed and starts eating.  Usually, he'll run to the other side of one of my other raised beds closest to the fence.  There's a little dirt patch that he likes to sit on to clean himself.
This bed, right here and that dirt patch right behind it is his fave spot.  He'll sit and wash himself or just watch me as I go around the garden. 

This morning it started to rain and I guess his cleaning routine was disrupted.
He started but then the rain got a little heavier and he hunkered down.
He's way too comfortable. The good thing is that he still doesn't touch any of my vegetables.  There were prime lettuces and kale growing in his condo and he never touched them.  He nibbles on my petunias and has tried other things but always seems to prefer the clovers.  At first, I was pissed that he nibbled my petunias but realized he was dead heading for me and now the petunias are bigger and have fuller blooms. I guess we CAN all get along.  I don't know how long that will last since I'm moving the thyme plant at the end of the season. :-) Too bad for you, Bunny Foofoo!!

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