The Rants and Raves of a Foodie/Textilian/Worm Wrangler

rants. raves. & making stuff

Sunday, June 15, 2014

In the Garden: Melons!!! + New Herbs

This is an exciting time. It's hot and sunny and my melons are loving it!! My favorite things to grow are melons, watermelons and tomatoes and now is the time when all of the plants pick up the pace!! Every day you can literally watch the melon plants vine out. LOVE IT! So this morning, I saw this guy...
This is Zatta an Italian variety that I'm growing for the first time. I started them indoors and transplanted them out. This plant has been going crazy ever since!! This morning, the plant was buzzing with honey bees so I hope this little melon has been pollinated.

I'm trying some new herbs this year, too. I decided to start a permanent herb bed so I can allow my crazy garlic chives and cilantro (I love cilantro) to reseed themselves. I want a 4 X 4 filled with my favorite herbs next year.

Besides the epazote, which I still don't know how to quite use...
It's grown tremendously since last week...

I'm also growing lemongrass for the first time...
I started these indoors from seeds not knowing that it's apparently hard to start them from seeds. I believe you can take a cutting and root them in water. Since these aren't winter hardy plants, I may try to root them in the fall.

I've pulled all of my sugar snaps and shelling peas and replace them with luffa and more melons. I hope by the end of June or beginning of July, the garden will be fabulously lush and filled out with plenty to harvest!!

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