The Rants and Raves of a Foodie/Textilian/Worm Wrangler

rants. raves. & making stuff

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Dulce de Leche Obsession!

I have been a little obsessed with making dulce de leche by boiling cans of sweetened condensed milk.  The recipe and instructions can be found on the Ravenous Couple blog:

So, they used it to make ice cream, which sounds pretty amazing but as a person suffering from lactose intolerance, not so good. :-(  I was also curious to see if the sweetened condense milk would be different if boiled for 3 hours as opposed to 2.  Well, last night, I just couldn't let it go and had to experiment. I boiled 2 cans of sweetened condense milk, one for 2 hours and the other for 3. 

As you can see the one on the right, which was boiled for 3 hours, is a wee bit darker.  The sweetened condense milk also thickened a bit more and the flavor intensified.  It was like dulce de leche pudding!!!  SOOOOO GOOOOD!  Anyway, so if one can't make ice cream, what are you supposed to do?

I made BREAKFAST!!  I added a spoonful to my coffee.  The dulce de leche melted into my coffee, which added a slightly sweet, caramel flavor.  Then, microwaved dulce de leche with a little bit of lactose free milk to make a sauce to drizzle over my plain yogurt with sliced strawberries!  And of course, had to have a side of bacon. 

Hmmm,,,, I wonder if dulce de leche would be good with bacon??

Happy Sunday!!


  1. Have you tried making it yet, Dana? I'm going to try to find a frozen yogurt recipe to make dulce de leche fro-yo!! :-)
