The Rants and Raves of a Foodie/Textilian/Worm Wrangler

rants. raves. & making stuff

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Sunday, Sept. 11, 2011

Today is a particularly beautiful morning.  After a week of rain and more rain, to have Sept.11 be so sunny and pleasant is a welcome change especially considering the day. Ten years ago the boyfriend had moved to NYC two days before.  Thankfully, he had the day off and was fast asleep.  My cousin was working in a building near the Towers.  Thankfully, she was evacuated early.  This morning we watched an A&E special on 9/11.  Very surreal. I do remember and will never forget, but maybe this is why the sunlight seemed so incredible today, and the plants I've been nurturing since Spring seem so lovely basking in the sun's rays. I feel even more drawn to simple things like growing plants, raising worms, working with my hands and cooking. 

My Thai basil, garlic (I'm trying to grow a bulb indoors), basil

One of many sewing projects

It's the end of the growing season, at least for me, and all my plants are either flowering or producing the last crop of the season. 

Garlic Chives
There are gazillions of peppers growing on my plant right now.  I'm going to wait until they all turn red before harvesting so I can collect the seeds, dry the peppers and grind them to make my own Korean chilli pepper flakes!! 

Hope your day is good. 



  1. keep growing plants, raising worms, working with your hands and cooking! (i am so envious of your little garden--it looks so beautiful.)

  2. Come back down atg so we can start a farm and grow beautiful flowers so you can have your flower shop and we can grow vegetables to sell at our farm stand! Wouldn't that be the life? Miss you!
