The Rants and Raves of a Foodie/Textilian/Worm Wrangler

rants. raves. & making stuff

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Transplanting Strawberry Plants + Other Garden Surprises

It's been rainy, rainy, rainy all week!!  The plants are loving it and so am I since I haven't had to get up early to water!!  Being that it's rainy and overcast outside, it's also a good time to transplant my new strawberry plants. 
My crazy strawberry plants, if you don't know, won't die.  This whole season, I allowed nature to water these plants.  Even when it didn't rain for a whole month, I didn't water the strawberries and they kept on truck'n.  Then I discovered that the plants sent out runners and created three more plants that rooted into the ground!

AAAAHH!! Psycho! Anyway, so today, since it was so dreary outside, I thought I should go ahead and transplant the three newbies into a container.

The runner attached to the mother plant will be cut later after the seedlings are established in it's new home. 
Here are the newly transplanted strawberries.  I topped them off with compost and just as I was finishing, it started to rain again.  Just in time to water the plants for me!!

And speaking of neglect, here's what happens when you neglect California poppies....
They just get bigger and bigger. Sigh. I also did not water these guys just because I forgot a lot of times. I think my growing secret is to just stop watering all together. :-/

Don't throw rice by your big oak tree to compost or get eaten by squirrels because the chipmunks will gather it up and hide them in your poppy container. Thanks chipmunks.

Cilantro! Yes, cilantro. Apparently, I failed to notice that I didn't collect all of the seeds this spring.  Now I have to decide whether to transplant or leave them.  Plants definitely have a mind of their own!! Kinda makes gardening even more interesting and fun! :-)

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