The Rants and Raves of a Foodie/Textilian/Worm Wrangler

rants. raves. & making stuff

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Easy Way to Cook a Turkey

Happy Thanksgiving, Everyone!!! I'm gearing up for food coma and some more food coma today.  Breakfast this morning is a cup of coffee and a lot of food prep!  I'm a bit psycho when it comes to cooking my Thanksgiving meal. The sides may change but the turkey, well, the turkey is serious business. Usually, it's just me and the boy so I don't cook a full turkey, just a turkey breast, but I'm traditionally a briner.  I make a brine with apple cider, salt, peppercorns and herbs and soak that puppy for 2 to 3 hours or overnight.  The turkey always comes out super moist and delicious! BUT this time I decided to try cooking the turkey differently thanks to my boyfriend's mother.  After moving, I've been a little beat lately and I didn't want to spend all day cooking a turkey so last night, I seasoned my turkey breast the way I normally would but cranked the oven up to 500 degrees and allowed it to really get hot- 30 minutes to an hour.  In the roasting pan, you pour in 4 cups of water or chicken stock (I did the chicken stock) in the bottom of your roasting pan. Cover the entire roasting pan with aluminum foil and pop it in the oven. Cook for 1 hour and turn the heat off and go to bed!  I was totally skeptical but this morning, I pulled the foil off to this....

It's cooked!!! Talk about easy! It's not as brown as I would love it to be but it's cooked all the way through. I will probably pop it back in the oven to brown right before we eat.  Now to make the rest of the meal!  Happy Turkey Day!

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