The Rants and Raves of a Foodie/Textilian/Worm Wrangler

rants. raves. & making stuff

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Worm Castings: It's That Time Again!

I'm coming up on 3 years now since I started my worm bins. And I still am totally amazed at the high level of efficiency of these little guys.  I'm still very passionate about the process and my worms and so I treat them with their favorite foods when harvest time comes around. 

Bananas!!! They LOVE them! I try to buy a bunch always but especially when I know that it's that time.  I've noticed over time that they also prefer some veggies and fruits over others. I'm not sure if all worms have this particular palate, but besides bananas, they seem to always go for the broccoli, kale, spinach, and any cabbage even if other items seem to have rotted first. Among the fruits, any of the berries seem to disappear like magic.  And maybe it's because the berries are softer fruits, I don't know. They also love their coffee! I have also noticed that they WON'T eat potatoes and even though they are supposed to be able to eat some bread products, usually it seems to attract mites and my worms seem to ignore the bread anyway so I have stopped feeding it to them. Maybe I spoil the worms, but they seem very happy and I haven't had any escapees since my 1st year!! Yay!!!


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