The Rants and Raves of a Foodie/Textilian/Worm Wrangler

rants. raves. & making stuff

Saturday, November 5, 2011

New Toy + Bulbs + Pansies= Happy Saturday!

Today was finally a sunny, chilly, but sunny day.  It was time for some work in the yard!  I know, it's weird.  Most people don't want to mow lawns and rake dead leaves or pull weeds during their weekend, but it's all kind of new to me.  I haven't had a yard or real outdoor space for the past 10 years.  So, yes, I'm freak'n excited! I'm also excited about my new toy!!!
O.K., I'm not one of those girls who want jewelry or perfume, but I am one of those girls who likes a good power tool!! I really, really want a Makita cordless drill. Santa??  Anyway, this edge trimmer is fantastic!! It's super light weight and it's adjustable for us vertically challenged people. It was easy to put together and the head rotates so you can trim along sidewalks!

I also decided to try lasagna gardening.  There was enough organic material in the yard to start composting in the area that I want to start a raised bed for spring.  I hope it works. :-P This will be the first time I'll be trying this style of composting. Not that my worms are slacking on the job or anything cuz they are not but for outdoor waste materials, I refuse to feed that stuff to the worms. 

This afternoon, I spent some time planting pansies and started to plant my bulbs.  Unfortunately, the beds flanking our front door had been neglected for a while now and was crazy overgrown with weeds and crab grass.  I spent most of the time weeding but I at least got all of the pansies in and most of the bulbs. It's definitely been a busy Saturday.  I'm dirty, sore but feel surprisingly happy about what I've accomplished so far!  Happy weekend!!

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