The Rants and Raves of a Foodie/Textilian/Worm Wrangler

rants. raves. & making stuff

Monday, May 28, 2012

Hello, Summer!!!

Well, we went from 80 degrees to 90 degrees overnight here in the South. I'm just glad we had a little bit of Spring this year.  Sadly, tragedy occurred in the garden yesterday.  This guy...
and his family visited the yard the night before.  It was cute watching the parent rabbit and this baby bunny and his sibling running around our yard, but then, I woke up to find 2 of my sugar snap peas had been taken out!!  They ate just the stems and left the rest of the plant hanging.  Can you believe that?!! I wish I had taken pics of what I woke up to the other day but I was so upset! Here's how the plants look now...
I'm down to 1 semi- o.k. sugar snap pea plant.  I'm so sad!! But then I realized while examining the damage that all of this water was oozing out of the chomped stems.  I think the bunnies were thirsty. :-(  I'm still miffed though.

Miffed because all of these beautiful pea pods were either developing or starting to ripen. I was determined to save them if I could so I cut off the tops and stuck them in a vase of water....
They were wilting like crazy but this morning they looked like this...
So I'm hopeful that I'll be able to harvest the existing pods before the plant dies and maybe the plants won't die and keep producing.  I guess I'll find out!

To protect the existing pea plant, I had some left over fencing material and wrapped it around the cage...
And also planted more pea seeds.  I'm not sure if you can succession plant peas or not but we'll see. 

Other things happening in the garden....
My bolted napa cabbages have spread out!  I was about to cut them down but the bees and hover flies seem to love the yellow flowers.  I figure I can also collect the seeds.  They look like mini green beans...
The weather has been so hot that other plants have started to bolt. My arugula started flowering a couple of days ago...
My daikon radishes were harvested...
Not as big as I thought they would be but I'm just happy that they developed. I planted more lettuce seeds where the daikon radishes were planted.  And speaking of lettuce...
Salad from the garden!  A nice mix of lettuces, spinach and arugula!  A great, light dinner for a freaking hot night! Happy Memorial Day!

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