The Rants and Raves of a Foodie/Textilian/Worm Wrangler

rants. raves. & making stuff

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Tomato Experiment + Garden Update

I decided to try these fabric growing pots.  Apparently, they're supposed to be fantastic and allows for ample aeration around the roots of plants, etc. etc.  I thought this would make a great experiment for growing tomatoes.  This year, I'm growing three types of heirloom tomatoes: Amish paste, green zebra and a determinate variety called cream sausage.  I'm growing two of each variety so using tomatoes was perfect. I'm wondering if these grow pots actually make much difference in the health of the plants.  I'm also going to do this with my hot peppers.

I'm super excited to see the first blossom on my sugar snap peas.  Of all of the veggies that I'm growing, I really really want a crop of snap peas.
Unfortunately, my napa cabbages have bolted. :-(  It's been really hot lately.  I'm a little bummed but not surprised that they bolted.  I decided not to pull up the plants and allow the cabbage to go to seed.  Also, the flowers are a really pretty bright yellow!  I did manage to harvest the smaller napa cabbage that hadn't bolted yet.  I'll probably use the leaves for stir fry or something.

The daikons on the other hand are amazingly huge!!  I really wanted to use the napa and daikon for kimchi, but I'll have to change my plans and maybe pickle the daikons instead. Yum!
 My watermelons are starting to develop their true leaves.  I'm hoping by July, I'll have a crop!
So, here's how the beds look now...
I covered the watermelons with a row cover to keep them warm and protected from insects.  The kale and collards have grown like crazy. I'm amazed how different the beds look week from week.  I hope I can maintain the beds through a predicted super hot summer! 

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